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The Health benefits of Turmeric are so goood, it's like Indian-Gold

Turmeric-curcumin Research

Does Turmeric Really Reduce Inflammation? By Sally Wadyka Consumer reports

Turmeric Curcumin root tuber and ground powder

The latest on what researchers say this spice can—and can't—do.

Turmeric / National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

Turmeric Plant fro NCCIH

Turmeric vs. Curcumin : Which should you take? HealthLine

Turmeric vs Curcumin / Healthline

Turmeric is a spice widely used throughout Asia and a main ingredient in curries.

Curcumin is the key active ingredient in turmeric.

This article takes an evidenced based looks at the benefits of and key differences between turmeric and curcumin.

Why Turmeric and Black Pepper Is a Powerful Combination / Healthline

Turmeric and Black Pepper Healthline

Studies support the use of turmeric and show that it can benefit your health.

But coupling turmeric with black pepper may enhance its effects.

This article reviews the potential health benefits of combining turmeric and black pepper.

Can Turmeric Treat Prostate Cancer? HealthLine

Turmeric and Prostate cancer / Healthline

Researchers have found that turmeric and its extract, curcumin, may help prevent or treat prostate cancer. The warm, bitter spice contains anticancerous properties that may stop the spread and growth of cancerous cells. If you’re interested in using turmeric medicinally, talk to your doctor about it.

What does the evidence say about turmeric's health benefits? / ABC News

Health Benefit of Turmeric / ABC News

Turmeric has been proclaimed a hat does the evidence say about the health benefits of taking turmeric? And are some forms better than others?